Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Russia-Ukraine Invasion effects on global economy

Russia-Ukraine war effects on global economy 

Trade and Commodities: Commodity Prices were already on the rise and the respective indices skyrocketed since the start of invasion. 

Supply Chain: Due to the accelerated demand which outstripped supply, the world saw heavily disrupted global supply chains. 

Inflation: The combination of Higher commodity prices and supply chain crunch ultimately led to spikes in both producer and consumer inflation in most developed markets. 

Finance and Investment: The sanctions will definitely affect the financial interactions between Russia and the rest of the world, as Russia's participation in the financial and payments network is technically suspended. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Components of Intellectual Capital (IC)

Intellectual Capital is the learning capacity, ability, and knowledge of employees, which in turn, reinforces the organizations' competitive edge. Initially, the gap between a company's book value and market value treated as IC. IC is helpful in improving firms' financial and market performance. 

Components of Intellectual Capital

Human Capital: Human capital is the summation of a person's intellect and expertise used by a          company to attain its long-term gals. 

Structural Capital/ Organizational Capital: It consists of supporting structure that enable the          company to access. It consists of hierarchical structures, methods, schedules, frameworks,                      technologies, data bases and so on that stay within the company. 

Relational Capital/ Customer Capital: It is capital formed outside the organization and is mainly      linked to the market, boosting its capabilities. It shows relationship with the customers, industry,            suppliers, society, government, shareholders and relationship with other companies. 

Innovation Capital: Introduction of unique products, which give greater value to the customers. In    addition, it offers better options for consumers than competitors in terms of quality, price, and                rewards. Therefore, therefore, the company's expenditure on R&D is considered the innovation              capital. 

Process Capital: Process have evolved into a vital component of every company and a critical              instrument for defining how assets are managed. It describes how a firm prepares its activities to            achieve its goals. It is a part of Innovation Capital that encourages the development, accessibility, and    sharing knowledge. 

Pigovian tax & Discount house

Pigouvian tax:  It is a tax levied on any market activities that generates negative externalities. This tax objective is to correct an inef...